5 Upcoming Futuristic Cities In The World

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Futuristic Cities

Futuristic cities represent the cutting edge of urban development, where innovation, sustainability, and advanced technologies converge

What Does It Mean?

However, the vision of futuristic cities goes beyond mere technological advancements; it encompasses creating environments

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Which Ones?

Here are the upcoming futuristic cities of the world:

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1. Smart Forest City, Mexico

The planned city, which is based on the region's Mayan heritage and the culture's bond with nature, would include 7.5 million plants.

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2. Telosa, USA

In a sustainable city, the urban area will be powered by renewable resources, and green spaces will be given priority and protection.

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3. The Line, Saudi Arabia

The city intends to do away with the need for cars and its carbon emissions with a mirrored facade.

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4. Oceanix Busan, South Korea

The city aims to function as a prototype for other coastal towns grappling with the challenge of increasing sea levels. 

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5. Chengdu Sky Valley, China

The traditional Linpan towns, which are rural communities in the valleys around the site, are intended to be preserved and enhanced by the metropolis.

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Which of these cities do you plan to visit?

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