7 Nuts To Keep You Warm This Winter Season

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To stay warm this winter season, eat different types of nuts every day. Rich in many nutrients, these have tons of health benefits. 

Include Nuts In Diet

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Rich in mineral selenium, make sure to add nutritious Brazil nuts to your regular diet.

1. Brazil Nuts

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Most of our mornings began by eating a handful of soaked almonds during our childhood. Containing a good amount of fat, protein, and fibre, these are essential for your health.

2. Almonds

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Containing protein, fat, carbs, magnesium, and fibre, hazelnuts have some amazing health benefits.

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3. Hazelnuts

About 28 grams of cashews have 157 calories and it can help you feel heated.

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4. Cashews

Pistachios are rich in heart-healthy type fat and these are said to be warming foods in Ayurveda.

5. Pistachios

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The good fats present in these nuts help our bodies to produce heat and feel warm.

6. Walnuts

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Rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, add peanuts to your diet to stay warm.

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7. Peanuts

Take care of yourself this winter season with a nutritious diet!

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