8 Hacks For A Smooth & Safe Bus Travel

Credits: Unsplash

Booking tickets online is always easier than waiting till the last minute to get tickets

1. Online Booking

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Why hustle to be the first one off and on when you can get on and off at the very end?

2. Last On, Last Off

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Stretch on every stop so that your body doesn’t get stiff.

3. Stretches On Stops

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If it is going to be a long haul, make sure you have plenty of snacks to pass the time.

4. Bring Snacks

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Carrying earplugs or eyemasks is crucial if you’re going to be sleeping.

5. Earplugs/Eyemasks

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This is a no-brainer. Wearing comfortable clothes is a must!

6. Comfortable Clothes

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7. Bring Entertainment

Be it a book or downloaded movies, make sure you have enough to keep yourself entertained.

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8. Drink Less Water

If there isn’t a washroom on your bus then make sure you don’t drink liquids.

Which of these hacks do you find most useful?

Credits: Unsplash