8 Unusual Rum Facts You Probably Didn't Know

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1. Rum As A Beauty Product

In the 1800s, rum was utilised as a beauty product, with some people believing that it could enhance complexion and be used as a skin toner.

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2. Colourful Nicknames

Rum has acquired various colourful nicknames throughout history, including "Rumbullion," "Kill-Devil," "Nelson's Blood," and more.

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3. Pirates And Rum Rations

Pirates were known to receive daily rum rations, leading to the association of rum with the adventurous and rebellious spirit of the high seas.

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4. Rum's Triangle Trade Role

Rum played a significant role in the historical Triangle Trade, as molasses from Caribbean sugar plantations was used to produce rum in New England.

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5. Rum's Role In Revolution

Rum was a currency of trade during the American Revolution, with some soldiers being partially paid in rum as they fought for independence.

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6. Floating Navy Rum

During World War II, the British Royal Navy issued a daily tot of rum to sailors, a tradition that lasted until 1970.

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7. Mai Tai Origin Controversy

The origin of the Mai Tai cocktail is surrounded by controversy, with both Trader Vic and Don the Beachcomber claiming to have invented it, adding a layer of mystery to this iconic rum-based drink.

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