Beautiful Views & Cloudy Mountains: Gurmeet Choudhary Shares Snippets From His Manali Shoot

Credits: @guruchoudhary/Instagram

Gurmeet Choudhary is on a shoot in Manali!

Gurmeet In Manali

Credits: @guruchoudhary/Instagram

He shared snippets from the shoot and we are swooning!

Shares Snippets

Credits: @guruchoudhary/Instagram

Manali was blanketed with thick snow! Look how many layers Guru has to wear to keep warm!

Snowy Scenes

Credits: @guruchoudhary/Instagram

Seems like icy mountains also featured in Gurmeet's trip!

Icy Mountains

Credits: @guruchoudhary/Instagram

He's posting pics of him having fun but he also said that he's missing his daughters! Aw!

Missing Family

Credits: @guruchoudhary/Instagram

The place where he's putting up is clearly lovely because look at the views it offers!

Lovely Stay!

Credits: @guruchoudhary/Instagram

Waking up to these views must seem like heaven!

Waking Up In Heaven

Credits: @guruchoudhary/Instagram

Hope he gets to go back to his family soon!

Travelling For Shoot

Credits: @guruchoudhary/Instagram

We hope he has a fun and productive time shooting in Manali.

Credits: @guruchoudhary/Instagram