Inside Ram Mandir: Take A Sneak Peek At The Stunning Temple Interiors Before Its Inauguration!

Credits: X (Formerly, Twitter)

Ahead of the inauguration of Ram Mandir, pictures of its interiors have gone viral on Internet.

Ram Mandir Interiors

Credits: X (Formerly, Twitter)

The pictures are all stunning and showcase the craftsmanship that went into building it.

Stunning Pics!

Credits: X (Formerly, Twitter)

The interior and exteriors were covered with floral decorations!

Rife With Flowers!

Credits: X (Formerly, Twitter)

There were beautiful pictures of the ornate temple ceilings!

Ornate Ceilings!

Credits: X (Formerly, Twitter)

The Pran Pratishtha ceremony of the Ram Mandir is tomorrow!

Pran Pratishtha

Credits: X (Formerly, Twitter)

The entire country is waiting the inauguration of the temple with bated breaths!


Credits: X (Formerly, Twitter)

PM Modi will inaugurate the temple and will be there for it.

PM Modi Will Be There

Credits: X (Formerly, Twitter)

Many parts of the country have even declared Jan 22 as a public holiday!

Public Holiday!

Credits: X (Formerly, Twitter)

Are you excited for the inauguration of the Ram Mandir?

Credits: X (Formerly, Twitter)