The Perfect Gur Ki Kheer Recipe To Start The New Year With

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1. Boil The Milk

In a heavy-bottomed pan, bring the milk to a boil on medium heat. Stir occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

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2. Add The Rice

Drain the soaked rice and add it to the boiling milk. Reduce the heat to low and let it simmer. Stir frequently to ensure the rice doesn't stick and cooks evenly.

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3. Cook Until Rice Is Soft

Continue simmering the milk and rice mixture until the rice is cooked and the mixture thickens slightly. This might take around 30-40 minutes.

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4. Add Jaggery

Once the rice is cooked and the mixture thickens, add the grated or chopped jaggery (gur) to the kheer. Stir well until the jaggery dissolves completely.

5. Simmer Further

Let the kheer simmer for another 10-15 minutes on low heat, allowing the flavours to meld together. Keep stirring occasionally.

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6. Add Cardamom Powder And Nuts

Sprinkle the cardamom powder into the kheer and add the chopped assorted nuts. Mix well and let it simmer for a couple more minutes.

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7. Check Consistency And Sweetness

Check the consistency of the kheer. If it's too thick, you can add a little more milk to achieve the desired consistency. Adjust sweetness by adding more jaggery if needed.

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8. Garnish And Serve

Once done, turn off the heat. Garnish the Gur Ki Kheer with saffron strands and some more chopped nuts. Let it cool for a bit before serving, either warm or chilled.

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Enjoy this delectable Gur Ki Kheer as a delightful start to the New Year, savouring the sweetness and warmth it brings to your celebrations!

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